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Terms and Conditions for pwalle

Welcome to pwalle! Our goal is to provide consultancy services and create innovative solutions and training programs tailored to your needs. Below are the terms and conditions for using our services. We strive to keep them clear and straightforward.


1. Definitions

  • Services: Refers to coaching, my consultancy services, technical solutions, and training programs offered by pwalle.

  • Client: Refers to any individual or entity using the services of pwalle.

  • Trade Secrets: Confidential business information shared by the client for the purpose of the project or service. 


2. Service Availability

  • Subject to Schedule: The availability of our service is subject to the schedule of the service creator. We will do our best to accommodate your needs in a timely manner.


3. Privacy and Client Privilege

  • Confidentiality: pwalle is committed to protecting your privacy. All personal information shared in a coaching setting is confidential and protected under client privilege.

  • Data Protection: Personal information will not be shared with any third parties without your explicit consent, except as required by law.

  • Usage of Information: Information provided during coaching sessions will only be used to improve the services we provide to you.


4. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

  • Trade Secrets Only: The NDA only applies to trade secrets related to projects you wish to share with us. It does not apply to the products we create together.

  • Commitment to Confidentiality: pwalle adheres to strict confidentiality protocols to safeguard your data and prevent unauthorized access or disclosure. We are willing to enter into NDAs to formalize our commitment to protecting your information.


5. Software Development and Licensing

  • Open Source Solutions: All software developed by pwalle will be available for sharing with others. It will not contain any identifiable information unless you choose to include your name as a developer.

  • Licensing Agreement: The licensing agreement for all solutions will be open source. This means anyone can improve, build on, or change the code. The code will be available on GitHub.


6. Compliance with Laws

  • Legal Compliance: All solutions developed by pwalle will comply with relevant laws, including GDPR regulations.


7. Payment Structure

  • Donation-Based Payment: Our payment structure is based on donations. You are required to pledge an amount of money that you can either donate to pwalle or to any worthy cause of your choice.

  • Post-Completion Donation: Once the job is completed, you will decide if the end product is worth donating to. If you are unhappy with the outcome, you are not obligated to donate anything.


8. Acceptance of Terms

  • Activation of Agreement: By paying $1 USD, you accept these terms and conditions, and we can begin working on your project.


9. Liability Limitation

  • Limitation: pwalle shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of our services.


10. Modification of Terms

  • Right to Modify: pwalle reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Clients will be notified of any significant changes.


11. Termination Clause

  • Termination by Notice: Either party may terminate the agreement at any time with written notice via email or text message.

  • Termination by Inactivity: If there is no response from either party for a period of 3 months, the service will automatically terminate.

  • Post-Termination Obligations: Upon termination, all outstanding obligations and liabilities will still apply.


12. Governing Law

  • Jurisdiction: These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Norway. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Norway.


For more information, please refer to our Confidentiality and NDA pages.


By using our services, you agree to these terms and conditions. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for choosing pwalle!

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